Centennial Farm Tours and Garden Classes field trip

Field trip to Centennial Farm Tours and Garden Classes
Centennial Farm Gardens has fruits, vegetables, and livestock as well as a number of classes and programs available to take. There are Discovery Days which are available for all grades and ages and the tours are self-guided with a volunteer nearby to assist you, so you can go at your own pace. Junior Farm Tours are for K-3rd graders (ages 5-9), and they are guided tours that last an hour and a half long with a minimum of ten people per group and a maximum of twenty-three people. Discovery and Junior Tours can plant radish seeds to take home, pet baby chicks, join in an oxen demo and visit swine, goats, sheep, cattle, rabbits, and chickens, and depending on the time and day there is even a demo for cow milking!

Other classes available through Centennial Farm Gardens for sixteen-year-olds and up include Farm and Garden classes, All about Olive Oil, Food Preservation classes, How to Grow, Care and Show Dahlias, and Make it & Take it classes such as floral designs and jewelry.
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Discovery Days at Centennial Farm