International Printing Museum field trip

The International Printing Museum has a large, diverse collection of machines. Some artifacts in its collection include a hand-cranked business card maker, a paper cutter, an iron printing press, and more!
The museum also has multiple celebrations and events throughout the year, such as Benjamin Franklin's Birthday Celebration, Merit Badge Days for Boy Scouts, July 4th celebrations, an annual Printers Fair, and other events.
You can also host your own event at the museum. There is a large area that can be used for eating, and the museum can provide staff for a guided tour and can even provide a printing press so that your guests can print souvenirs with your event name on it. Prices vary according to number of guests and facility requirements.
The Museum offer general letterpress classes throughout the year or very limited private classes on a requested basis. You can learn the basics of hand setting metal and wood type and printing on a certain type of press. You'll have the opportunity to use some of the Museum's amazing collection of vintage images and type to create two projects, a small personal broadside and a group poster.
The museum also has multiple celebrations and events throughout the year, such as Benjamin Franklin's Birthday Celebration, Merit Badge Days for Boy Scouts, July 4th celebrations, an annual Printers Fair, and other events.
You can also host your own event at the museum. There is a large area that can be used for eating, and the museum can provide staff for a guided tour and can even provide a printing press so that your guests can print souvenirs with your event name on it. Prices vary according to number of guests and facility requirements.
The Museum offer general letterpress classes throughout the year or very limited private classes on a requested basis. You can learn the basics of hand setting metal and wood type and printing on a certain type of press. You'll have the opportunity to use some of the Museum's amazing collection of vintage images and type to create two projects, a small personal broadside and a group poster.
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International Printing Museum Tour: Introduction to Printing
International Printing Museum Tour: Introduction to Printing